Modern Slavery Statement


Alan Spivack Ltd (t/a Alan Pharmaceuticals) is a pharmaceutical wholesaler and distributor. Its operational address is Highgate Business Centre, 33 Greenwood Place, London NW5 1LB. We are committed to operating in an ethical and transparent manner. We take the Modern Slavery Act 2015 (the "Act") seriously and do not tolerate slavery or human trafficking within our company or from those whom we buy products or services. We have analysed the risks within our own business and our supply chain based upon the industry we operate and the geographical locations in which we conduct business. We are not aware of areas within our operations or supply chain which are likely to lead to a breach of human rights and modern slavery laws that the reporting requirements of the Act seek to capture. However, we remain committed to never knowingly dealing with any company connected to slavery or human trafficking.

Training, Communication and Raising Concern

Understanding of the importance of the Act and the role it plays in helping to eradicate modern slavery and trafficking will help maintain and nurture a commercial environment that is fit for purpose in today’s market and political landscape. Awareness of our policy forms part of the induction process for new employees. We ensure that all employees who are involved in our operations, supply chain and procurement and finance functions are aware of and familiar with the Act. We encourage open and frank two-way communication.

Employment Practices

Our employment practices are compliant with applicable employment and health and safety legislation, and as a result, we are confident that there is no slavery or human trafficking taking place within our company. Furthermore, we shall ensure that the recruitment agencies we deal with have embedded within their policies and processes mechanisms for identifying the risks associated with slavery or human trafficking. In short, these agencies too must be fully compliant with applicable legislation.

Due Diligence

It is our aim to not work with any supplier that we suspect is connected in any way with slavery or human trafficking. As part of our compliance and validation procedures, we take thorough steps to ensure that we only partner with third parties that are proper and compliant. No supplier contracts will be awarded to any supplier not able to comply with the legislation that the Act seeks to address.

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